Saturday, December 8, 2012

recent pics.

Here's a recent pic of Reese.  He's gotten to be such a big boy!  ^_^

And here's my little Baile.  I swear she's hasn't grown much.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Long overdue

Didn't realize that it's been nearly 2 months since I posted.  Between working 9 hours, and attending classes at night, I haven't had a lot of time on my hands.  Unfortunately some things, like this blog, got pushed aside.  But no matter.  I only have one follower, so I doubt I've been missed.  ^_^

Sadly, little times mean less time with the piggies.  I rarely hold Reese now.  It seems I barely have time or energy to pet them.  They seem little affected by it.  So long as they get treats, they don't seem the mind the lack of petting.  Still, Reese will come to the bars by me, so that he can sniff my fingers.  That makes him happy!  ^_^  And I've got Baile to let me pet her.  She still doesn't like to be held, but she seems the enjoy the petting.

I'll have to take pictures soon so that I can post them.  Reese is so big!  Baile is a little bigger than when I got her, but she's still pretty small.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mama is not a salt lick!

I have yet to teach that to Baile.  She seems to think that I am quite yummy.  She has a salt lick in her cage, but hasn't even touched it.  I guess is doesn't taste as good as Mama.  Reese tries to eat my fingers as well sometimes.  He has discovered his salt lick and uses that, as well as his mineral wheel.  It's just the task of getting my little girl to stop thinking that I'm food.  I put a different flavored salt lick in her cage.  Maybe she'll go for that.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Didn't realize it's been so long since I posted, but since I have only one follower, I guess it doesn't matter much.  ^_^

Reese is just fine.  I guess he was just feeling off that day.  He's been running around and jumping and doing all the things he usually does.

Baile is getting better hand-trained.  She still stiffens and hunches up when I pet her(as opposed to Reese stretching out for maximum petting area), but she's letting me pet her.  She run up to the bars to sniff and nibble on my fingers.  She'll even take carrots from me now.  Sometimes she'll cuddle against my neck, at other times she's climbing all over.

Both of them have settled down quite well.  Reese doesn't go berserk ever time Baile makes a sound.  He'll response to her, and she to him, but it's not the excessive, over-loud noises he made when I first brought her home.  I still have the barrier between their cages to keep them from seeing each other.  I don't need to savage bar-chewing.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Reese has caused me to worry a little today.  Not enough to call my best friend in a panic, but enough to keep me from completely relaxing.  From time to time, he's made some noises that I haven't heard him make.  Noises like he has something in his nose that he's trying to get out.  But I haven't seen any discharge from his nostrils.   And he's eating, drinking, and moving around just fine.

Both of them are rather quiet today.  Not sure if they're just tired, or if they're picking up on my worrying and are worried themselves.  I'm trying not to worry, but it's hard when your pig is making odd sounds.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

water bottle

Had to change Baile's water bottle.  It leaks horribly!  I'm sure there's more water under than is in my little girl.  Unfortunately, I can't find the holder that came with the bottle.  So for now, it's being held in place with twist-ties.  That'll do till I can get to the store to get a holder(unless I can find the other holder before then).

And I think I can put their shelves and ramps into place and not have to worry about them seeing each other.  I just simply need to put a bigger block between their cages.  The point was brought up to move on of the cages, but I don't have anyplace to move them.  Well, not any place that'd be convenient, or prevent me from re-tearing my shoulder.  But a taller barrier will still keep them from seeing each other, even if they're on their shelves.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What a difference a day makes

An old saying, but very fitting!  Two of my closest friends came over to install a new shower-head they got me for my birthday.  I was holding Baile and telling them about the scared noises she makes when I pet her(I was countering their claims at how she was hand-trained so quickly).  They told me that the sounds she made were actually happy sounds.  I had been mistaking the sound all this time!

And then tonight, I got a pleasant surprise.  I heard the sound of running, and thought it was Reese doing his exercises.  Then, I realized the sound was coming from Baile's cage.  I looked up to see her pop up into the air.  Then she did it again!  More running around and more popcorning!  I was so happy to see that!!  Proof that my little girl is happy and starting to feel at home! 

And she's not so shy anymore!  She starting to get rather noisy herself, but that's just fine by me.  Now I know these two will talk to each other and keep each other company when I'm not here!  ^_^